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9 Oct 2008

Start Trading Like the Pros With Forex Trader Software

Start Trading Like the Pros With Forex Trader Software
by Max Branner

It's estimated that 25% of all forex traders are using some sort of automated trading software in their campaigns, and that this is up from the 18% who were doing it three years ago in 05'. Curious as to why more people are using forex trader software than ever?
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Forex Killer 2008 Edition

Forex Killer 2008 Edition - Get the Facts Before You Spend Your Money on Forex Killer 2008 Edition
by Jane Hamilton

Forex Killer 2008 edition is just one of many automated forex signal software programs currently available. But what makes it so special? The creators of the Forex Killer software have promised that this software is a stand-alone, user-friendly program that can be used by both beginners and veteran traders alike to generate large sums of money quite easily.
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Forex Trading - What is Scalping?

Forex Trading - What is Scalping?
by Tunde James Akinlabi

The best way to catch pips quickly is by scalping. Scalping is available for all traders in the Forex market.
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Forex Trading - Simple Facts About the Forex Market

Forex Trading - Simple Facts About the Forex Market
by Lola Adegbulu

This article explains in layman's terms, simple facts that new investors need to know about trading on the Forex. This includes a short background, the risk factor, factors that influence foreign exchange rates and tools used for market analysis. The article also delved into online forex trading and what it entails.
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Online Forex Trading Secrets

Online Forex Trading Secrets
by Tunde James Akinlabi

I am here to share some knowledge, tips, strategies and insights of how to successfully buy, sell, trade and invest in online Forex trading. FOREX or Foreign Exchange is the largest as well as the most liquid trading market in the world and there are many people involved in FOREX trading all over the world. A lot of people claim that the FOREX is the best home business that could be pursued by any person.
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Is There Something Called A Bad Credit Credit Card?

Is There Something Called A Bad Credit Credit Card?

By: Terje Ellingsen

Is there something out there called a bad credit credit card? Well, when a bank or Credit company such as Bank of America, Washington Mutual or Chase receive an application from you, they use a statistical system to determine whether or not to grant credit to you by assigning numerical scores to various characteristics related to creditworthiness. This means the creditor's measure of your past and future ability and willingness to repay your debts. This system is based on your credit history, which is a record of how you have borrowed and repaid debts. If this record shows late payments, skipping payments, exceeding card limits or declaring bankruptcy you are considered a person with "bad credit".

Then you're condemned, you're hopeless.. Nobody will ever lend you money or give you a credit card anymore, you may think but then you should think again. Even people with horrible credit histories who have been in a financial mess because of previous debt can get credit card offers. So, the answer to the question I asked in the beginning of this article is "Yes": You can get a secured or prepaid credit card.

Banks and other credit companies need customers, even thoses in a bad financial situation. So these secured or prepaid cards offers are specifically targeted to help people with poor credit, so that they too can have all the benefits that follows such a card.

What distinguise a secured card from an unsecured is that the card's account is usually related to a savings account. This is the way the card is secured. Let's say you have $1,000 in your account, then your credit limit will be $1,000. With this build in security, you will never be brought into a debt situation again. After using this card for a while, most banks or finance companies will gradually grant you credit that exceeds your saving account balance and you will at the same time repair your credit history. This bad credit credit card is a great offer, that you should take advantage of if you have a messy financial history and want to rebuild your credit.

About the Author

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet publisher. He runs the website Terje gives advice and helps people with personal financial issues like debt solutions, see and to apply for visa and master cards, see


Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit

Credit Cards For People With Bad Credit – How To Avoid Getting Ripped Off

By: Charles Phelan

If you've had credit problems, then you've probably received offers for credit cards aimed at people with bad credit. These offers range from legitimate, to questionable, to outright scams. How can you tell the difference? The answer is to read the fine print, usually to be found in a document called "Terms and Conditions." To show you the difference between "the good, the bad, and the ugly" in the low-end credit card market, let's take a look at the fine print associated with such offers.

We'll start with one of the more popular low-limit "starter" cards available today. These are actual terms published by a major company at the time this article was written. The card comes with a Visa logo on it and looks like a regular credit card, so you can use it as an extra piece of identification when you're booking a hotel room, renting a car, and so on. In the "Terms and Conditions" document, the first thing we see is the annual percentage rate (APR), listed as 19.5%. That's not a particularly attractive rate, but it's not as high as a lot of other cards. A little farther down, we see that the APR for cash advances is higher, 25.5%, which is normal since there is greater risk involved to the company.

Where it really gets interesting is the section that lists the fees associated with the card. In this example, there is an annual fee of $150! There is also a $29 fee to open the account, as well as a monthly "maintenance" fee of $6.50. Whew! That's a lot of fees. But wait! It gets better. Toward the bottom of the document, buried in the fine print, we see something called "Available Credit Limitations." In 8-point typeface (very tough to read on a computer screen or printed page), you are informed that your generous initial credit limit will be a whopping $300. On your very first statement, you will be billed for the $150 annual fee, plus the $29 setup fee. The $6.50 monthly fees will start appearing after you make your first purchase on the card.

Let's take a closer look at the math here. It will cost you $179 up front, plus $78 per year, to obtain $300 worth of credit. Your total cost for the first year is $257, assuming you pay off the balance each month and don't incur any regular interest charges. Sound like a good deal? Does it make any sense at all to pay $257 to obtain $300 worth of credit? That's 85.6% in effective interest! If you keep a running balance of $300 on the card, and just make the minimum payments every month, your effective interest rate will be 105.2% for the first year, and 95.5 % for subsequent years. That's some pretty expensive credit! This credit card offer, while legal, still counts as a total rip-off.

As bad as the above sounds, it still only qualifies as "questionable" rather than being a full-on scam. There are much worse offers floating around out there. I've even seen some "deals" where the fees are so stiff you start out above the credit limit before receiving the card in the mail! In the bogus category I'd also include cards where you are forced to pay an advance fee prior to receiving the "guaranteed" credit card, which of course never arrives. There are also "catalog cards," where you supposedly build credit by purchasing items through a card tied to one particular company and their catalog of goods. The problem is that the catalogs usually consist of grossly overpriced junk.

So what constitutes a good credit card offer for someone who's experienced serious credit problems and wants to take action toward rebuilding his or her credit? At the risk of annoying the big credit card marketing companies who target the "sub-prime" market (consumers with bad credit histories), my advice is to completely avoid any offer that comes to you unsolicited. Instead, do the research on your own. Check out for current offers by legitimate credit card companies. Shop and compare before you apply. Remember, the APR is only one aspect of your decision, and not necessarily the most important. What you want to look at very carefully are the annual fees, setup fees, and monthly fees.

It's important to realize that you may not be able to obtain an unsecured credit card when you're just starting to rebuild your credit. Instead of paying $257 to obtain $300 in credit, you'd be far better off placing $250 as a deposit toward a good SECURED credit card from a reputable major bank. In this real-world example, the annual fee is only $29, the APR is 19.99%, and there are no setup fees or monthly maintenance charges. Your $250 deposit will net you $250 worth of credit (less the $29 annual fee), and you'll build positive credit history just as quickly as with the ridiculously expensive offer discussed above. Plus that original $250 deposit is still YOUR money. After you've been granted unsecured credit again, and you've paid off any outstanding balance on the secured card, you can get your deposit back.

One final tip. If you have the opportunity to join a credit union, you should consider checking out their offers for low-limit unsecured and secured credit cards. Credit unions frequently offer much better terms than regular commercial banks. Through credit unions, you can often find credit cards with no annual fees, lower interest rates, and more flexibility. Be sure, however, to confirm that the credit union reports account activity to the credit bureaus. Otherwise, your positive payment history on the new credit card won't lift your credit score. And remember, no matter what card offer you're considering, be sure to read that fine print!

About the Author

Charles J. Phelan has been helping people become debt-free without bankruptcy since 1997. A former executive in the debt settlement industry, he teaches the do-it-yourself method of debt negotiation. Audio-CD training plus expert personal coaching helps consumers achieve professional results at a fraction of the cost.